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Credit Repairs Software

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 For More Information about Credit Repair and Credit Repair Magic, Click Below:     
 Credit Repair Video     
 The 10 Most Common Myths About Credit Repair and the Truths that Expose Them: 
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credit repair questionsCredit Repair Myths and Facts

Credit Repair Magic Will Fix Your Credit Faster than Any Other Credit Repair Systemat Any Price. . . Guaranteed

There can only be one BEST -- and this is it.
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Credit Repair SoftwareFive benefits that makeCredit Repair Magic the world's best credit repair system:
Credit Repair Effectiveness
All other credit repair systems are either dry, ineffective "e-books" or expensive, time-consuming services. Credit Repair Magic is different. It's interractive multimedia software that provides true point-and-click simplicity with the world's most effective system for permanently removing negative items from your credit reports. This one-of-a-kind system is trademarked and protected by international copyright. No other credit repair system even comes close.
Credit Repair Accuracy
The unique Credit Repair Magic System is designed by a 20-year veteran of the credit industry, with input from former owners of credit reporting agencies and credit providers. The Credit Repair MagicSystem is updated monthly for accuracy, not every four or five years like most programs. It’s a one-of-a-kind system voted the World's Best Credit Repair Program by two independent credit repair review sites.
Credit Repair
Credit Repair 
Magic is the easiest credit repair program in the world and the fastest method for dramatically improving your credit score. Some of our exclusive trademarked methods can increase your credit score in a matter of days, not months or years. We know you don't have a lot of time, so we've made it simple enough for a 9-year-old to fix your credit. No computer knowledge or other skills are required to use our easy credit repair software. With so many websites offering a free credit score report, there's never been a better time to get a copy of your report and start repairing your credit score with our easy to use Credit Repair Magic program! 
Credit Repair software
You can spend thousands of dollars on credit repair “factories,” which are usually law firms that charge monthly for their services. Not only is their service less effective than 
Credit Repair Magic, but the longer they take to fix your credit, the more money they make, so don't expect fast results! And unlike every other credit repair program out there,Credit Repair Magic is not an e-book, but a true multimedia software program with point-and-click simplicity and both audio and video to enhance and simplify the experience. If you can click a mouse, you can use Credit Repair Magic.
credit repair software
Credit Repair 
Magic gives you $321 in real bonus materials related to credit and finance. Each bonus program was hand-picked to provide incredible results and all of them are currently selling on the Internet for the price listed. This isn't the fluff that other programs bundle with their silly e-books; these bonuses are truly amazing (see description below).
You only need to invest in one
credit repair solution, so why not own the BEST credit repair solution?

 Credit Repair
Credit repair software

Does Credit RepairReally Work?
There is so much misinformation out there that some people still have a hard time believing that they can repair their credit. The truth is that literally millions of items have been removed from consumers' credit reports legally and permanently since the Fair Credit Reporting Act was passed in 1971. Why shouldn't YOU join them and start saving money right now?
But why do I hear so often that only time can fix my credit? Because that's what the credit bureaus want you to believe. They've even got the media believing their hype. But all their billions can't change the fact that credit repair is real and it can work for you.
What's the big deal about fixing my credit? How much difference could it make?According to the latest figures, the average American has a credit scoreof 677. If that same individual's credit score rose to just 720, that family could save on average $421 per month, or $5,052 per year on house payments, car payments, credit cards, etc. Over 20 years, that's more than $100,000! And if your score is lower than 677, then you have even more to gain.

Fast Credit Repair Software
Easy Credit Repair


The Five Ways
 Fix Your Credit
There are only five ways to fix your credit. Each method is given below, followed by its ratings (1 is worst and 10 is best):
credit repair helpFollow instructions from the credit bureaus.
That’s like the wolf instructing the sheep. The credit bureaus are NOT your friends. Virtually free, but you get what you pay for.
Effectiveness:Credit Bureaus
Value:Credit Value
Speed:Speedy Credit Fix
Credit repair onlineDo-it-yourself programs (typically a printed book, an e-book, or an audio program).
Only about a quarter of these programs are current enough to be effective, but even the best of them require you to write your own letters and figure out for yourself how to best dispute negative items. These programs are usually just reprints of 30-year-old books, or carefully re-written versions of the same old tired process. Compare the appearance and professionalism of their websites to ours and you'll get a good idea of the quality you can expect. Let the buyer beware!
Effectiveness:Credit Repair Ranking
Value:fast credit repair
Speed:credit counselors
Credit Repair Credit Repair Services
It’s tempting to simply pay a company to do the work for you, but they have two dirty little secrets they don’t want you to know. First, because they charge monthly for their service, they make more money if they deliberately drag out the process--often over two or even three years. Second, because of all the forms you have to fill out (including Power of Attorney documents), and the necessity of having to forward all credit reports yourself, you actually wind up doing MORE work than if you did it yourself. Too little service for too much money.
Effectiveness:credit repair magic
Value:do it your self credit repair
Speed:credit repair
Credit RepairWaiting It Out
Whether you make the smart choice by going with Credit RepairMagic or even by choosing a less-effective method, there’s one thing for certain: it’s better than sitting on your hands and hoping things get better. Some negative items will come off automatically in 7 years, some in 10 years, some never. We hope you’ve got a better plan than that.
Value:do it your self creidt repair
Speed:bad credit help
Credit Repair QuickCredit Repair Magic
Using a unique “self-directed” (NOT “do-it-yourself”) approach,Credit Repair Magic has all the benefits of a professional service (no letters to write, automatic computerized follow-up, organized system), but achieves results in weeks, not months, and costs hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars less. You don’t have to read a book or even know the first thing about credit restoration.Credit Repair Magic is guaranteed to produce better results than any other program, system, or service, and in less time, or you will get 100% of your money back!
Effectiveness:Effective Credit Scores
Value:Credit Repair
Speed:Best Credit Repair

credit repair software
Credit Repair Help


The Problem With Typical CreditRepair Programs
There’s an old Steve Martin comedy routine that starts out something like this:
“You can be a millionaire. . .and never pay taxes! How, you ask? First ... get a million dollars.”
As silly as that sounds, it’s almost the same approach taken by all those other credit repair programs out there:
“You, too, can fix your credit! How, you ask? First. . . memorize this 200-page book. . .”
Who's got time for that?
It’s not that these old-school systems don’t work at all, it’s just that:
  • They’re so complicated that 9 out of 10 people who buy them never even start.
  • They take way too long.
  • They haven’t been optimized for the changes in the industry.
Credit bureaus have become wise to the old-school credit repair process and routinely refuse to investigate the disputed items.
It's amazing what you discover when you buy 28credit repair programs on the Internet.
Here's a dirty little secret our competitors don't want you to know: most of them simply bought another credit repair program, copied it, changed it around a little,
re-packaged it, and are now selling it as a new product.

Credit Repair Magic's uniquesoftware is one of a kind, and it can't be copied, so nobody else has what we have. We guarantee it.
And again, look at their websites. If the website looks like it was put together by an amateur in an afternoon, then their product probably was, too.
Why Credit Repair Magic is DifferentCredit Repair Magic takes a complicated process and simplifies it, so that it can be accomplished in a matter of minutes, not days or months. Here is a list of common credit repair problems that are solved byCredit Repair Magic:
Credit ProblemsHaving to write lengthy and complicated customized letters.
Simple Credit SolutionsCredit Repair Magic offers true point and click simplicity. There's no letters to write, no law to understand, no complications whatsoever. Everything is simple, fast, and very effective.

simple credit repairCredit bureaus sending back investigation demands due to “frivolous request.”
Credit SolutionCredit Repair Magic eliminates this very common problem by magically customizing each letter and credit report so that it doesn’t appear to be the result of a professional credit repair process. In this case, the less professional-looking the request, the better the results. Surprising, isn’t it?

credit repair softwareDisputing credit items takes months or years to see any results.
Credit SolutionsCredit Repair Magic has honed its system to speed up the process, so that results can occur in a fraction of the time. In addition to our core system, we have several “fast track” programs that can actually produce results in a matter of days.

credit problemsThe time span involved in credit repair makes it difficult to stay on track.
elimate credit problemsCredit Repair Magic's Automated Dispute Tracker System is personalized to your needs and eliminates the possibility of you losing your way. We simply will not let you fail!

Credit Benifits24 months of the most popular credit-repair-law-firm service costs $1,036! (And you can double that for your spouse.)
credit repairCredit Repair Magic has all the benefits of a service (in fact, you will actually spend less time with our "self-directed" system than you will when you pay an attorney), but it costs less than one-tenth as much money. Credit Repair Magic has twice been named"Best Credit Repair Buy!"

credit problemsOther credit repair programs promise dozens of "secrets" available only to those who buy.
credit problemsAs of July 2008, the Credit Repair Magic staff has purchased 28 competitive programs to see if there really are "secrets" inside. We read every word and followed every suggestion. Surprisingly, some of the "secrets" were real gems (already included in Credit Repair Magic, of course), but many of the secrets are outdated, impractical, or even illegal. You'll never use them. It's all hype.

Credit Simple Software
Credit Repair Download


Question:What do I get with my Credit Repair Magic System?
Answer:Everything you need and much more than you bargained for:

credit repairCredit Bargins
You get the Credit Repair Magic Bad Credit Eliminator. 
This trademarked process is unique in the industry and has been honed to perfection by years of refinements. Simply put, it’s the fastest, most effective method for restoring credit. It’s also the simplest credit repair system on the planet, bar none.

credit repair softwareBad Credit Answers
You get the Credit Repair Magic Seven Shortcuts to
Success Program

If you don’t mind investing a little more time, you can speed up the process even more. Here are seven shortcuts straight from the mind of a former owner of a credit reporting bureau. Essential reading if you’re trying to qualify for a mortgage or car loan.

credite repair softwareCredit Finds
You get the Credit Repair Magic Automated Dispute
Tracker System. 

This is a computer-generated, personalized process that keeps you on track throughout the process, even sending you reminder e-mails, so that you will always know exactly what to do at all times. It really is magic!

credit repair softwareCredit Repair
You get the Credit Repair Magic Reference Guide
This is the most up-to-date, comprehensive reference manual on the planet. You don’t have to read it, but in its 131 pages you will find answers to any credit question you will ever have. If you want to be a master of credit improvement, this is your bible.

credit repair magicCredit Shortcuts
You get the Credit Repair Magic Reference Guide
Express Version

We know that few people will actually read the 131-page Reference Guide, but there’s a few things that you really should know in there. So we’ve taken the most crucial elements of the Guide and distilled them into a brief, 36-page summary that you can read over lunch.

credit repair softwareCredit Multi Media
You get audio and video multi-media training materials
Credit Repair Magic
 is the only program that provides multiple ways to learn. If you like, you can just point and click to repair your credit using our unique software, but we also have both audio and video content in addition to the award-winning written content. You choose whichever way works best for you. We even have a video tutorial that takes you through the software step by step, all included in one simple-to-navigate software program. It could not possibly be any easier!

Credit Lifetime Service
You get the Credit Repair Magic Free Upgrade Service
You will be notified any time there is an update to the Credit RepairMagic System and receive a free upgrade—for life.

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fast credit repairYou get the Credit Repair MagicMoney-Back Guarantee
Download the software and take a full 60 days to review it. If it's not everything we said—and more—we’ll refund 100% of your money—no questions asked. You have nothing to lose.

Credit Image Software
Great Credit Fix Download

But How Much Does It Cost?
We know you’ve been wondering, so we’ll just tell you how much it costs right now: it’s $249. At least, that’s what thousands of people pay for this exact same program every year when they call to order over the phone—and it’s worth every penny. But you’re not going to pay anywhere near that amountBy selling this system on the Internet, we save money by eliminating phone bills, salespeople, office costs, printing charges, and storage fees.
If you’ll agree to have the Credit Repair Magic system downloaded to you in electronic format, we’ll knock $152 (61%) off the price – so it's yours for just
But wait! (Don’t you just love the “But wait!”?)
We’re going to throw in the most amazing collection of bonus materials ever assembled. These are real programs, worth hundreds of dollars, not just the reprinted garbage available with other packages. The prices you see listed are real, too. These programs are selling on the Web right now for these amounts. All together, these amazing bonuses total $321. But they’re yours for FREE when you download the Credit Repair Magic System.
Here’s what you’ll get:
Credit Repair BonusCredit Repair Bonus
The Credit Expert Audio Program
Some people learn better by hearing than by reading. This 24-part audio program contains mind-blowing information about the credit industry that in just one listen will transform you into a credit expert. Listen to the whole thing or just the part you need. Either way, our customers have told us that this audio program was worth the price all by itself.

Credit PiggybackCredit Repair Bonus
How To Increase Your Credit Score By 150 To 250 Points In Just 3 Weeks By “Borrowing” Someone Else’s Credit—With Absolutely No Risk To Them Whatsoever. 
This bonus program has been updated to accommodate the latest changes in the law that affect how this can be done—legally and permanently.

Settle Your Debts Pennies on the DollarCredit Repair Bonus
How to Settle Your Debts for Pennies on the Dollar.
We interviewed professional credit managers (off the record, of course) from three of the nation’s top credit providers and two collection agencies to discover the insider secrets to settling debts for as little as 20 cents on the dollar. You will be amazed how simple and effective these strategies are.

Free Copy Credit ReportCredit Repair Bonus
Five Ways To Get A FREE Copy Of Your Credit Report From All Three Credit Bureaus.

Credit Repair Bonuscredit repair
Postpone Mortgage Payments For Up To A Year--Without Affecting Your Credit--And Reduce Your Monthly Payment By Hundreds Of Dollars, Simply By Asking.
Of course, you have to know HOW to ask and WHAT to ask for, but this tell-all guide gives you detailed instructions on how to postpone payments (a process called “forbearance”) and reduce your interest rate and payments permanently—all over the telephone. Banks are willing to do almost anything to avoid foreclosure, so take advantage of their desperation by renegotiating your loan terms today. EVERYBODY with a mortgage needs to know this strategy. Simply amazing!

Credit Repair BonusCredit Repair Bonus
How to Improve Your Credit Score by Increasing the Credit Limit on Your Credit Cards.
Your credit score is determined in large part by your credit card balance-to-limit ratios. If you can’t pay down your balance right now, simply raise your limit and your score jumps up! It’s easy if you know how. This strategy explains in detail exactly how to increase your credit limit—just for asking. But if you don’t know how to ask correctly, you could blow your one and only chance. EVERYBODY with a 
credit card
should utilize this strategy.

Improve Your Credit ScoreCredit Repair Bonus
How To Improve Your Credit Score By Adding Utility Payments, Rent, And Other Unreported Items To Your Credit Report. 
Phone bills, water bills, electricity bills, rental payments, etc. can all be added to your 
credit report
 with just a little effort.

Save Thousands by Lowering Your Interest RateCredit Repair Bonus
How to Improve Your Credit Score and Save Thousands by Lowering the Interest Rates on All Your Credit Cards.
credit score
 is determined in part by how much debt you carry on your credit cards. By reducing your monthly payments with this strategy, you will have more money to reduce your debt every month, which will increase your credit score and save you thousands of dollars.But again, if you don’t know how to ask correctly, you could blow your one and only chance. EVERYBODY with a credit card should utilize this strategy.

Total Value of all8 Bonuses:
You get all these amazing bonuses FREE when you order the Credit Repair Magic System today. The Credit Repair Magic System sells over the phone for $249 (plus $15 shipping) and the 10 bonuses are selling right now on the Web for a total of $321. That’s $585 in real value. . . all for just 97 bucks.
Credit Repair Magic LITERALLY pays for itself in a matter of days. Guaranteed.

But There Are Other Credit Repair Programs Available On The Web For $67, $49, Even $29. Why Should I Pay $97 For Credit Repair Magic? 
Easy. It’s worth it. Sometimes you get what you pay for. In the process of researching our competition, we’ve ordered almost all those other programs (28 of them and counting) and it’s a simple fact that they are all just different versions of the same old thing--no matter what kind of hype they give you.

Credit Repair Magic is truly unique. It’s more effective. It’s faster. It’s easier. And you get $321 in real bonus materials at no extra charge.
Premium Credit Repair Solution
Save Money
Why should skydivers buy a premium parachute when they can get a cheap version somewhere else? Because they know how important it is to land safely on the ground, and it's worth a few extra dollars to make sure that happens every time.
It's the same thing with your credit. You may have luck with a cheap e-book, but considering that your financial future is on the line, wouldn't you rather know for sure that you're going to land safely?
Hasn't this always been true: you get what you pay for?
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credit repair software
If you could choose between a rusty beat-up Edsel for $1,000, or a brand new Ferrari for just $2,000, which would you choose? We say go for the Ferrari, especially if it's covered by a 100% Money-Back Guarantee like Credit Repair Magic.

You’re three minutes away from having the best credit you can possibly have. Aren't youworth it? CLICK DOWNLOAD TO GET STARTED:

Credit Repair Audio
Credit Repair Download
Discover, Visa, American Express, Master Card, Diners Club, Paypal
credit repair softwareDon't forget about the 
Credit Repair Magic

Money-Back Guarantee

Download our credit repair software and take a full 60 days to review it. If it's not everything we said—and more—we’ll refund 100% of your money—no questions asked. You have nothing to lose.

Trusted Credit Repair
Credit Security

© 2010 Business Service Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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